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- Written by: Bill Stewart
A Prayer for Knowledge -
by Rev Bill Stewart audio
1. Paul gives thanks for God's grace in the life of the Ephesians (15-16)
Chris mentioned last week that the entire section from verses 3-14 was just one long sentence. Today's reading is just the same. Paul is still exploding with excitement about God's work. He's much too excited to bother with trivial things like punctuation! I'm sure we can all remember a time when we just couldn't wait to share some great news. Perhaps it was the news of being appointed to a new job? Or perhaps it was the news of good exam results? Or maybe it was the news that you are getting married? Or maybe it was the birth of a child or a grandchild? What is the news that Paul was so excited about in his letter to the Ephesians? His first words in this reading are:
15I have heard of your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love toward all the saints,
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- Written by: Chris Appleby
God's Eternal Plan - All things United under Christ audio
You may have been following the reports, over the past few months, of the State Government Report prepared by Sir Rod Eddington on Melbourne's East-West transport needs. The one thing that seems to have come out of that exercise and particularly since the Eastlink toll road opened is that the need is now and that the planning for improved transport should have started some 10 or more years ago. What's clear is that when you're thinking about major projects like that you need years and years of planning if things are going to work out.
I imagine planning for the Olympic Games was going on long before Beijing was given the nod in 2000. And look how well they've done it - apart from the fog of course. Someone suggested that the Chinese divers who've been blitzing the field were probably picked at the age of 3 to begin their training. And even on a smaller scale project planning needs to be done well in advance. So our building committee has been hard at work for the last few months working on the early plans for our new building.